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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The method of Discourse on the Element

“The methods of Content and Discourse on element”

According to the structuer of Dhatukatha(the speech on the elementtreaties), after Vibanga(the book of Analysis), Dhatukatha(the speech on the elements)is expounded by the Buddha. In the third book,the essence of Abhidhamma, there are two parts. They are the table of contents and the Catechetical Exposition. Both of
them, the table of contents is preached first. In the table of contents, there are five sections. They are Naya Matika (Methods), Abbhantara Matika(Internal States of Enquiry), Nayamukha Matika (Principles of the methods), Lakkhana Matika(Characteristics of the methods), and Bahira Matika(External States of
Enquiry). Among them, Naya Matika (Methods) is preached first. In this Naya Matika, there are fourteen types of sections. They are Sangaho Asangaho(Classification and Unclassification), Sangahitena Asangahitam (Classified and Unclassified), Asangahitena Sangahitam(Unclassified and Classified),Sangahitena Sangahitam
(Classified and Classified), Asangahitena Asangahitam (Unclassified and Unclassified), Sampayogo Vippayogo (Association and Dissociation), Sampayuttena Vippayuttena (Associated and Dissociated), Vippayuttena Sampayuttena (Dissociated and Associated), Sampayuttena Sampayuttam(Associated and Associated), Vippayuttena Vippatam(Dissociated and Dissociated), Sangahitena Sampayuttam Vippayuttam(Associated with and Dissociated from the Classified), Sampayuttena Sangahitam Asangahitam(Classified and Unclassified concerning with the associated), Asangahitena Sampayuttam Vippayuttam(Associated with and
Dissociated from the classified), and Vippayuttena Sangahitam Asangahitam(Classified and Unclassified concerning with the Dissociated).

Thus, they are called fourteen kinds of Naya Matika (Methods).After Naya Matika (Methods),Abbhantara Matika (Internal States of Enquiry)is expounded by the Buddha.In this Abbhantara Matika (Internal States of Enquiry),there are two parts. They are khandhadi-Uddesa and Phassasattaarasi-Uddesa.Both of them, Khadhadi Uddeda is preached first.In this Khadhadi-Uddedasa, there are fifteen kinds sections. They are Panca

Khandha(Five Aggregates), Dvadasayatanani(Twelve Bases), Attharasa Dhatuyo (Eighteen Elements), Cattari Saccani (Four Truths), Bavisindriyani(Twenty-two Faculties), Cattaro Satipathana (Four Application of Mindfulness), Cattaro Sammappadana (Four Great efforts), Cattaro Iddhipada (Four Roads to Psychic
power), Cattari Jhanani (Four Trances), Catasso Appamannayo (Four Illimitable States), Pancidriyani (Five Faulties), Panca Balani (Five Strengths), Satta Bojjjanga (Seven Factors of Enlightenments), and Ariyo Atthangiko Maggo(The Noble Eightfold Path),Phassa (Contacts), Vedana (Feeling), Sanna(Percept
Cetana (Volition). Therefore, They are called Abbhantara Matika. After Abbhantara Matika(Internal States of Enquiry), Nayamukha Matika (Principles of the Methods) is expounded by the Buddha. In this Nayamukha Matika (Principles of the Methods), there are four sections.

They are Tihi Sangaho (Classification under the three categories of Aggregates, Bases and Elements), Catuhi Sampayogo(Association with the four Mantal Aggregates), and Catuhi Vippayogo (Dissociation from the Mental Aggregates). Thus,They are called Nayamukha Matika (Principles of the Methods). After Nayamukha Matika (Principles of the Methods), Lakkhana Matika (Charateristics of the Methods)has been expounded by the Buddha. In this Lakkhana Matika (Charateristics of the Methods), there are two parts. They are Sabhago(The common charateristic of conforming with the Classification and Association Principles), and Visabhago (The common charateristic of not conforming with the Classification and Association Principles). Therefore,They are called Lakkhana Matika.

After Lakkha Matika(Charateristics of the Methods), Bahira Matika (External States of Enquiry) is expounded by the Buddha. In this Bahira Matika (External States of Enquiry), there are all the twenty-two triplets and hundred couplets of the Dhammasangani which is called the table of contents. Matika mean the Contents or the matrix not only for the book of Classification of States (Dhammasangani) but also for the essence of Abhidhamma as a whole. Before proceedings to deal with the subject matter of contents, I would like to present to you an extract, a short passage from parth one of the original book of Dhammasangani to give you a rough idea of the unique methods and profound subject matter of the thing mentioned or thereof. In contents (Matika), the Lord Buddha employs the classification methods of analysis on the basis of four criteria of classification:-




(4)The four Noble Truths;

Therefore, it will be advisable to being with the classification in generally aggregates, bases, elements and truths. There displays the classification of their realities and so forth and so on.

Division on Consciousness and Mental Formations (Cittuppada Kanta)

Moral Triplet (Parth-1)

Types of Moral Conciousness

(a)Analysis of Moral Consciousness in the sensual world at first job down Summary Exposition and Section on classification of states

1. Why are they called moral consciousnesses?

At a certain moment, when moral consciousness in the sensual world has occurred, accompanied by pleasant feeling and combined with reasoning, having as its
object, any sense object, sight, sound, odour, taste, touch, nature objects, at
that moment,

-contact arises;

-feeling arises;

-perception arises;

-volition arises;

-mental state arises;

-delightful satisfaction arises;

-pleasure arises;

-one-pointness of mind arises;

-faculty of confidence arises;

-faculty of effort arises;

-faculty of mindfulness arises;

-faculty of concentration arises;

-faculty of insight arises;

-faculty of mind arises;

-faculty of pleasant feeling arises;

-faculty of mental vitality arises;

-correct view arises;

-correct thought arises;

-correct effort arises;

-correct mindfulness arises;

-correct concentration arises;

-power of confidence arises;

-power of effort arises;

-power of mindfulness arises;

-power of concentration arises;

-power of insight arises;

-power of moral conscience arises;

-power of moral revulsion arises;

-non-greed arises;

-non-hatred arises;

-non-delusion arises;

-non-covetousness arises;

-anti-ill will arise;

-correct understand arises;

-moral conscience arises;

-moral revulsion arises;

-tranquility of mental body arises;

-tranquility of consciousness arises;

-lightness of mental body arises;

-lightness of consciousness arises;

-malleability of mental body;

-malleability of consciousness arises;

-wieldiness of mental body arises;

-wieldiness of consciousness arises;

-proficiency o mental body arises;

-proficiency of consciousness arises;

-rectitude of mental body arises;

-rectitude of consciousness arises;

-mindfulness arises;

-reasoning arises;

-tranquility of mind arises;

-insight arises;

-endeavor arises;

-anti-distraction of concentration arises.

In addition states outlined above, there arise causally-produced formation at that moment (desire, determination, advertence, equanimity, compassion, delightful satisfaction, correct speech, correct action, and correct livelihood). These states are moral phenomena. In conclusion of summary exposition, in contents (Matika), Lord Buddha preaches the classificatory method of analysis on the basis of criteria of classification and so much too. With the classification, it will be
advisable to begin, therefore in general of aggregates, bases, elements, and truths as they truly are. The following methods of content (Matika) displays the classification of their realities:-

Matika (Contents)Triplets

1. Wholesome Triplet (Kusala Tika)

(i) Wholesome states; (i) Kusala Dhamma;

(ii) Unwholesome states; and (ii) Akusala Dhamma;and

(iii) Indeterminate states. (iii)Abyakata Dhamma.

2. Feeling Triplet (Vedana Tika)

(i)States deal with pleasant feeling; (i) Sukhaya Vedanaya Sampayutta

(ii)States deal with painful feeling; and Dhamma;

(iii)States deal with indifferent feeling. (ii) Dukkhaya Vedanaya Sampayutta

Dhamma; and

(iii)Adukkhama Sukhaya Vedanaya

Sampayutta Dhamma.

3. Resultant Triplet (Vipaka Tika)

(i)Resultant states; (i) Vipaka Dhamma;

(ii)States generating resultant states; and (ii) Vipaka Dhamma Dhamma;and

(iii)States that are neither resultant nor states (iii) Neva-Vipaka Na-Vipaka

Generating resultant (states that are Dhamma Dhamma.

Neither of both sides).

4.Clinging Triplet (Upadinna Tika)

(i)States acquired by and favourable to (i)Upadinnuppadaniya Dhamma;

Clinging; (ii) Anupadinnuppadaniya Dhamma;

(ii)States that are not acquired by and

but favourable to clinging;and (iii)Anupadinna Anupadaniya

(iii)States which are not acquired by and Dhamma.

not favourable to clinging.

5. Corrupt Triplet (Samkilittha Tika)

(i)States corrupted by corruption and (i) Samkilettha Samkilesika Dhamma;

generating corruption; (ii) AsamkiletthaSamkilesikaDhamma;

(ii)States that are not corrupted by but and

corrupting states;and (iii) Asamkilettha Asamkilesika

(iii)States which are not corrupted by and Dhamma.

not corrupting states.

6. Innitial thought (Vitakka Tika)

(i)States with innitial thought and (i) Savittaka Savicara Dhamma;

sustained thought; (ii) AvittakaVicaramattaDhamma;and

(ii)States without innitial thought but with (iii) Avittaka Avicara Dhamma.

sustained thought;and

(iii)States without innitial thought and

sustained thought.

7. Satisfaction Triplet (Piti Tika)

(i)States connected with satisfaction; (i) Pitisahagata Dhamma;

(ii)States connected with pleasure;and (ii) Sukhasahagata Dhamma;and

(iii)States connected with indifference. (iii) Upekkhasahagata Dhamma.

8. States Eradicated by the First

Path of Tirplet (Dassana Tika)

(i)States eradicated by the First Path; (i) Dassanena Pahatabba Dhamma;

(ii)States eradicated by the Higher Paths; and (ii) BhavanayaPahatabbaDhamma;and

(iii)States neither eradicated by (iii) Neva-Dassanena Na-Bhavanaya

the First Path nor the Higher Paths. Pahatabba Dhamma.

9. With Roots to be Eradicated by

the Fisrt Path States Triplet (DassanaPahatabbaHetu Tika)

(i)With roots to be eradicated by (i) Dassanena Pahatabba Hetuka

the First State of Path; Dhamma;

(ii)With roots to be eradicated by (ii) Bhavanaya Pahatabba Hetuka

the Higher State of Paths;and Dhamma;and

(iii)Without roots to be eradicated by the First (iii)Neva-Dassanena Na-Bhavanaya

States of Path or the Higher State of Paths. Pahatabba Hetuka Dhamma.


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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The method of Discourse on the Element

“The methods of Content and Discourse on element”

According to the structuer of Dhatukatha(the speech on the elementtreaties), after Vibanga(the book of Analysis), Dhatukatha(the speech on the elements)is expounded by the Buddha. In the third book,the essence of Abhidhamma, there are two parts. They are the table of contents and the Catechetical Exposition. Both of
them, the table of contents is preached first. In the table of contents, there are five sections. They are Naya Matika (Methods), Abbhantara Matika(Internal States of Enquiry), Nayamukha Matika (Principles of the methods), Lakkhana Matika(Characteristics of the methods), and Bahira Matika(External States of
Enquiry). Among them, Naya Matika (Methods) is preached first. In this Naya Matika, there are fourteen types of sections. They are Sangaho Asangaho(Classification and Unclassification), Sangahitena Asangahitam (Classified and Unclassified), Asangahitena Sangahitam(Unclassified and Classified),Sangahitena Sangahitam
(Classified and Classified), Asangahitena Asangahitam (Unclassified and Unclassified), Sampayogo Vippayogo (Association and Dissociation), Sampayuttena Vippayuttena (Associated and Dissociated), Vippayuttena Sampayuttena (Dissociated and Associated), Sampayuttena Sampayuttam(Associated and Associated), Vippayuttena Vippatam(Dissociated and Dissociated), Sangahitena Sampayuttam Vippayuttam(Associated with and Dissociated from the Classified), Sampayuttena Sangahitam Asangahitam(Classified and Unclassified concerning with the associated), Asangahitena Sampayuttam Vippayuttam(Associated with and
Dissociated from the classified), and Vippayuttena Sangahitam Asangahitam(Classified and Unclassified concerning with the Dissociated).

Thus, they are called fourteen kinds of Naya Matika (Methods).After Naya Matika (Methods),Abbhantara Matika (Internal States of Enquiry)is expounded by the Buddha.In this Abbhantara Matika (Internal States of Enquiry),there are two parts. They are khandhadi-Uddesa and Phassasattaarasi-Uddesa.Both of them, Khadhadi Uddeda is preached first.In this Khadhadi-Uddedasa, there are fifteen kinds sections. They are Panca

Khandha(Five Aggregates), Dvadasayatanani(Twelve Bases), Attharasa Dhatuyo (Eighteen Elements), Cattari Saccani (Four Truths), Bavisindriyani(Twenty-two Faculties), Cattaro Satipathana (Four Application of Mindfulness), Cattaro Sammappadana (Four Great efforts), Cattaro Iddhipada (Four Roads to Psychic
power), Cattari Jhanani (Four Trances), Catasso Appamannayo (Four Illimitable States), Pancidriyani (Five Faulties), Panca Balani (Five Strengths), Satta Bojjjanga (Seven Factors of Enlightenments), and Ariyo Atthangiko Maggo(The Noble Eightfold Path),Phassa (Contacts), Vedana (Feeling), Sanna(Percept
Cetana (Volition). Therefore, They are called Abbhantara Matika. After Abbhantara Matika(Internal States of Enquiry), Nayamukha Matika (Principles of the Methods) is expounded by the Buddha. In this Nayamukha Matika (Principles of the Methods), there are four sections.

They are Tihi Sangaho (Classification under the three categories of Aggregates, Bases and Elements), Catuhi Sampayogo(Association with the four Mantal Aggregates), and Catuhi Vippayogo (Dissociation from the Mental Aggregates). Thus,They are called Nayamukha Matika (Principles of the Methods). After Nayamukha Matika (Principles of the Methods), Lakkhana Matika (Charateristics of the Methods)has been expounded by the Buddha. In this Lakkhana Matika (Charateristics of the Methods), there are two parts. They are Sabhago(The common charateristic of conforming with the Classification and Association Principles), and Visabhago (The common charateristic of not conforming with the Classification and Association Principles). Therefore,They are called Lakkhana Matika.

After Lakkha Matika(Charateristics of the Methods), Bahira Matika (External States of Enquiry) is expounded by the Buddha. In this Bahira Matika (External States of Enquiry), there are all the twenty-two triplets and hundred couplets of the Dhammasangani which is called the table of contents. Matika mean the Contents or the matrix not only for the book of Classification of States (Dhammasangani) but also for the essence of Abhidhamma as a whole. Before proceedings to deal with the subject matter of contents, I would like to present to you an extract, a short passage from parth one of the original book of Dhammasangani to give you a rough idea of the unique methods and profound subject matter of the thing mentioned or thereof. In contents (Matika), the Lord Buddha employs the classification methods of analysis on the basis of four criteria of classification:-




(4)The four Noble Truths;

Therefore, it will be advisable to being with the classification in generally aggregates, bases, elements and truths. There displays the classification of their realities and so forth and so on.

Division on Consciousness and Mental Formations (Cittuppada Kanta)

Moral Triplet (Parth-1)

Types of Moral Conciousness

(a)Analysis of Moral Consciousness in the sensual world at first job down Summary Exposition and Section on classification of states

1. Why are they called moral consciousnesses?

At a certain moment, when moral consciousness in the sensual world has occurred, accompanied by pleasant feeling and combined with reasoning, having as its
object, any sense object, sight, sound, odour, taste, touch, nature objects, at
that moment,

-contact arises;

-feeling arises;

-perception arises;

-volition arises;

-mental state arises;

-delightful satisfaction arises;

-pleasure arises;

-one-pointness of mind arises;

-faculty of confidence arises;

-faculty of effort arises;

-faculty of mindfulness arises;

-faculty of concentration arises;

-faculty of insight arises;

-faculty of mind arises;

-faculty of pleasant feeling arises;

-faculty of mental vitality arises;

-correct view arises;

-correct thought arises;

-correct effort arises;

-correct mindfulness arises;

-correct concentration arises;

-power of confidence arises;

-power of effort arises;

-power of mindfulness arises;

-power of concentration arises;

-power of insight arises;

-power of moral conscience arises;

-power of moral revulsion arises;

-non-greed arises;

-non-hatred arises;

-non-delusion arises;

-non-covetousness arises;

-anti-ill will arise;

-correct understand arises;

-moral conscience arises;

-moral revulsion arises;

-tranquility of mental body arises;

-tranquility of consciousness arises;

-lightness of mental body arises;

-lightness of consciousness arises;

-malleability of mental body;

-malleability of consciousness arises;

-wieldiness of mental body arises;

-wieldiness of consciousness arises;

-proficiency o mental body arises;

-proficiency of consciousness arises;

-rectitude of mental body arises;

-rectitude of consciousness arises;

-mindfulness arises;

-reasoning arises;

-tranquility of mind arises;

-insight arises;

-endeavor arises;

-anti-distraction of concentration arises.

In addition states outlined above, there arise causally-produced formation at that moment (desire, determination, advertence, equanimity, compassion, delightful satisfaction, correct speech, correct action, and correct livelihood). These states are moral phenomena. In conclusion of summary exposition, in contents (Matika), Lord Buddha preaches the classificatory method of analysis on the basis of criteria of classification and so much too. With the classification, it will be
advisable to begin, therefore in general of aggregates, bases, elements, and truths as they truly are. The following methods of content (Matika) displays the classification of their realities:-

Matika (Contents)Triplets

1. Wholesome Triplet (Kusala Tika)

(i) Wholesome states; (i) Kusala Dhamma;

(ii) Unwholesome states; and (ii) Akusala Dhamma;and

(iii) Indeterminate states. (iii)Abyakata Dhamma.

2. Feeling Triplet (Vedana Tika)

(i)States deal with pleasant feeling; (i) Sukhaya Vedanaya Sampayutta

(ii)States deal with painful feeling; and Dhamma;

(iii)States deal with indifferent feeling. (ii) Dukkhaya Vedanaya Sampayutta

Dhamma; and

(iii)Adukkhama Sukhaya Vedanaya

Sampayutta Dhamma.

3. Resultant Triplet (Vipaka Tika)

(i)Resultant states; (i) Vipaka Dhamma;

(ii)States generating resultant states; and (ii) Vipaka Dhamma Dhamma;and

(iii)States that are neither resultant nor states (iii) Neva-Vipaka Na-Vipaka

Generating resultant (states that are Dhamma Dhamma.

Neither of both sides).

4.Clinging Triplet (Upadinna Tika)

(i)States acquired by and favourable to (i)Upadinnuppadaniya Dhamma;

Clinging; (ii) Anupadinnuppadaniya Dhamma;

(ii)States that are not acquired by and

but favourable to clinging;and (iii)Anupadinna Anupadaniya

(iii)States which are not acquired by and Dhamma.

not favourable to clinging.

5. Corrupt Triplet (Samkilittha Tika)

(i)States corrupted by corruption and (i) Samkilettha Samkilesika Dhamma;

generating corruption; (ii) AsamkiletthaSamkilesikaDhamma;

(ii)States that are not corrupted by but and

corrupting states;and (iii) Asamkilettha Asamkilesika

(iii)States which are not corrupted by and Dhamma.

not corrupting states.

6. Innitial thought (Vitakka Tika)

(i)States with innitial thought and (i) Savittaka Savicara Dhamma;

sustained thought; (ii) AvittakaVicaramattaDhamma;and

(ii)States without innitial thought but with (iii) Avittaka Avicara Dhamma.

sustained thought;and

(iii)States without innitial thought and

sustained thought.

7. Satisfaction Triplet (Piti Tika)

(i)States connected with satisfaction; (i) Pitisahagata Dhamma;

(ii)States connected with pleasure;and (ii) Sukhasahagata Dhamma;and

(iii)States connected with indifference. (iii) Upekkhasahagata Dhamma.

8. States Eradicated by the First

Path of Tirplet (Dassana Tika)

(i)States eradicated by the First Path; (i) Dassanena Pahatabba Dhamma;

(ii)States eradicated by the Higher Paths; and (ii) BhavanayaPahatabbaDhamma;and

(iii)States neither eradicated by (iii) Neva-Dassanena Na-Bhavanaya

the First Path nor the Higher Paths. Pahatabba Dhamma.

9. With Roots to be Eradicated by

the Fisrt Path States Triplet (DassanaPahatabbaHetu Tika)

(i)With roots to be eradicated by (i) Dassanena Pahatabba Hetuka

the First State of Path; Dhamma;

(ii)With roots to be eradicated by (ii) Bhavanaya Pahatabba Hetuka

the Higher State of Paths;and Dhamma;and

(iii)Without roots to be eradicated by the First (iii)Neva-Dassanena Na-Bhavanaya

States of Path or the Higher State of Paths. Pahatabba Hetuka Dhamma.

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We are discussion about Dhamma when we meet with us.

We are discussion about Dhamma when we meet with us.
We are going to discuss about the nature Dhamma as a being and the element of nature for the purification of the truth and Nibbana. We find out final goal and pinnacle way of reaching Nibbana.


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